Knowledge & Technology

Vestal Dental Associates will commit to the acquisition and the sharing of knowledge in order to deliver consistent product and service excellence. Our highly educated and trained team will set the “standard of care,” placing a priority on innovation, involvement, and investment. Through profound listening skills and active responding, each patient will have the freedom to customize a plan for their dental future aimed at fulfilling their needs and desires.

CEREC Single-Visit Dentistry

Our CEREC One-Visit Dentistry System is a state-of-the-art computer-aided design and manufacturing solution.  With CEREC, our patients can get restorative dental work such as crowns, onlays, inlays and veneers created in under an hour right in our office.  The CEREC system provides unparalleled results by using quality materials and precision milling to give your restorative dental work a perfect, natural appearance.

Learn More about CEREC

CEREC Primemill

CEREC takes another step forward with CEREC Primemill, empowering dentists to provide and experience superior chairside dentistry. CEREC Primemill utilizes state-of-the-art technology and CAM strategies to produce premium chairside restorations easier, faster, and more precisely. With a broad range of material options from Dentsply Sirona and other validated partners, the treatment of multiple indications is possible.

ADEC Chairs

Adec 500 dental chair provides gentle, supportive comfort that puts our patients at ease for a positive experience. It ensures patient comfort even during long procedures.

VivaStyle Teeth Whitening System

VivaStyle LED Whitening System is a professional whitening system that can give you your brighter, whiter smile in a little as 15 minutes a day. This system provides users a convenient way to whiten teeth without the need for a custom tray or office appointment. Brush on the whitening gel, turn on the LED light and place it in your mouth. The LED light will automatically turn off after 15 minutes.

Ivocar Programat CS6 Furnace

With our new Programat CS6 combination furnace, our dentists can crystallize and sinter restorations faster than ever before with unsurpassed esthetic results. The dependable technology behind the Programat CS6 ensures that each case is quickly and consistently completed, allowing our dentists to focus on our patients.

Laser Assisted Dentistry

Vestal Dental has invested in the SIROLaser®, a sophisticated soft tissue laser which allows our dentists to perform cosmetic, periodontic, and endodontic procedures with greater precision and less discomfort.    This system is ideal for those who suffer from dental anxiety by eliminating the need for scalpels, needles and drills.  This system also benefits our patients by allowing them to experience less scarring and less post-operative pain.

Orthophos SL3D X-ray Technology

The latest addition to our office utilizes cone beam CT scan technology.  The Sirona Orthophos SL 3D Imaging System delivers sharp three-dimensional detailed digital images of the jaw using much less radiation than conventional cone beams. A 3D image allows our dentists to see much more than what you see on a traditional x-ray, allowing for a more accurate diagnosis.

Digital Dental Implant Treatment Planning

With computer guided implant surgery, our dentists can conduct a virtual surgery before ever touching your mouth.  The information our system gathers is extremely accurate which allows us to precisely place simulated dental implants and allows us to view the implant in all three dimensions.  Along with precise placement, this remarkable tool allows us to locate important internal structures along with bone quality measurements.

Custom Dental Implant Restorations

Dental implants are often the best solution for replacing missing teeth. Once the dental implant is healed and integrated into the jaw, a crown is then attached for function and esthetics. These dental implant restorations are often supported by generic or stock attachments, which can compromise the long-term success or appearance. Our practice utilizes digital technology to create customized restorations which are specific to each individual implant site and circumstance. These custom dental implant restorations allow us to ensure that our patients are receiving the absolute best treatment outcome possible.

In-Office CEREC Milling Unit

With CEREC CAD/CAM you can have a new, perfect crown in just 2 hours!  This eliminates the need for temporaries and a second visit to our office to get you back to your normal life faster.  Along with providing faster crowns for our patients, CEREC CAD/CAM is less invasive and delivers durable crowns that look and feel more natural.

In-Office Ceramic Crystalization Furnace

While some offices will place your onlay or crown without staining and glazing first, Vestal Dental Associates prefers the added benefit of placing stained and glazed CEREC crowns.  Our in-office furnace allows us to quickly complete this process in one-visit to give our patients long-lasting, durable restorations in a fraction of the time.

Advanced Conscious Sedation Patient Monitoring

During any procedure that requires conscious sedations, you will be closely monitored by our team members along with our advanced sedation monitoring technology.  These devices monitor the effectiveness of the patient's breathing (pulse oximeter), blood pressure and heart rate, increasing the safety of all procedures.

Platelet-Rich Plasma Centrifuge

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a new approach to tissue regeneration and it is becoming a valuable adjunct to promote healing in many procedures in dental and oral surgery, especially in aging patients. PRP derives from the centrifugation of the patient's own blood and it contains growth factors that influence wound healing, thereby playing an important role in tissue repairing mechanisms.

Diagnodent Cavity Detection

The DIAGNOdent laser is a high tech tool that has made a significant breakthrough in diagnosing tooth decay.  As a Class 1 laser, the DIAGNOdent emits a safe, painless pulse of light through the tooth structure and uncovers hidden decay by comparing the reflected florescence of the tooth structure against the established baseline reading.  This allows us to identity tooth decay early-on and treat your tooth before it becomes more of a problem.

Digital Intraoral Camera

Intraoral cameras are the fastest and most effective way for our doctors to show patients what is happening in their mouths and help you understand our recommended treatments.  By seeing what our dentists see, our intraoral cameras are a great addition to dental x-rays and easier for our patients to relate to.

Digital Radiology

Digital dental x-rays are an extremely safe and effective tool for getting a full view of your dental health.  By viewing the inside of your teeth and connected oral structure, our dentists can more effectively care for your smile.  Our DEXIS Titanium Sensors increases confidence in diagnosis with CleanCapture technology, improved signal performance and expanded dynamic range while helping deliver a positive patient experience with the DEXIS Titanium PerfectSize sensor and its award-winning TrueComfort™ design.

Digital Records and Prescriptions

Electronic dental records are an integrated part of our practice at Vestal Dental Associates.  Our paperless system delivers electronic charts, enhanced case presentation, and electronic to our doctors at the place where it is most needed, chairside.  This system has also substantially reduced the amount of paper our office uses which is in-line with our initiate of creating a better world for the next generation by reducing waste.

Cavitron Ultrasonic Scaling

Cavitron ultrasonic scalers are used during our cleaning treatments to provide our patients with a more comfortable and efficient dental experience.  This revolutionary tools removes plaque that has hardened into dental calculus (also known as tarter) without the need for a traditional scaling tool that many patients associate with pain.  While you’ll feel some mild vibrations from the tool, there is absolutely no pain during the treatment.

Prophy Jet Air Polishing

Prophy Jet Technology is a great alternative to traditional polishing.  In traditional polishing, a rubber cup is used that rotates in conjunction with an abrasive paste to clean your teeth.  Prophy Jet polishing uses a pressurized spray combines with a special sodium bicarbonate mixture remove plaque, stains and deposits from teeth more effectively.

Sectional Matrix Restoration System

The Triodent Sectional Matrix Restoration System allows the dentists at Vestal Dental Associates to treat molar cavities in the most precise method possible.  This system creates close contact with the contours of the molar to allow for a smooth, natural finish after your cavity is filled.

Rotary Endodontic Treatment & Heated Gutta Percha Delivery

Unlike traditional root canal treatments, Rotary Endodontic Treatment allows for a flexibility head to be inserted deeply into a curved root canal without stretching or damaging the passageway. This makes for a quick and reliable procedure with faster healing.